Future Dashboard

Explore futures and options for future index, Stock, future index Nifty and future index bank nifty. Do analysis of active OI gainer stocks, active OI loser stocks, Active by no of trades, Active by OI% gainer and Active by OI% loser, Active by %price change, Active by no of contracts etc. Get the most active future and options stocks & indexes like bank nifty, nifty 50. Learn more about future and options trading.

Active By Contracts

Symbol LTP Contracts Exp Date
NIFTY 23487.30 301184 2024-06-27
BANKNIFTY 51613.40 174265 2024-06-26
HDFCBANK 1663.80 92398 2024-06-27
NIFTY 23612.30 75765 2024-07-25
ICICIBANK 1154.80 71401 2024-06-27

Active By OI

Symbol LTP OI Exp Date
IDEA 17.15 2522240000 2024-06-27
IDEA 17.30 1596720000 2024-07-25
IDFCFIRSTB 83.40 288758000 2024-06-27
PNB 125.85 252256000 2024-06-27
CANBK 119.35 190681000 2024-06-27

Active By OI Gainer

Symbol LTP OI Gainer Exp Date
IDEA 17.30 528800000 2024-07-25
SAIL 156.60 65156000 2024-07-25
BPCL 307.35 28067400 2024-06-27
HDFCBANK 1674.40 20545200 2024-07-25
IDFCFIRSTB 83.70 18285000 2024-07-25

Active By Traded Value(Lakh.)

Symbol LTP Traded Value Exp Date
NIFTY 23487.30 1770710 2024-06-27
BANKNIFTY 51613.40 1347290 2024-06-26
HDFCBANK 1663.80 841692 2024-06-27
ICICIBANK 1154.80 577715 2024-06-27
HDFCBANK 1674.40 499116 2024-07-25

Active By Price(%CHG) Gainer

Symbol LTP Price Chg Exp Date
HAVELLS 1908.75 3.85 2024-08-29
GRANULES 496.25 3.71 2024-08-29
PVRINOX 1437.10 3.7 2024-06-27
GRANULES 490.85 3.65 2024-06-27
IDEA 17.15 3.63 2024-06-27

Active By OI% Gainer

Symbol LTP OI% Gainer Exp Date
IDEA 17.30 49.52 2024-07-25
SAIL 156.60 669.5 2024-07-25
BPCL 307.35 91.45 2024-06-27
HDFCBANK 1674.40 117.09 2024-07-25
IDFCFIRSTB 83.70 20.75 2024-07-25

Active By OI% Loser

Symbol LTP OI% Loser Exp Date
IDEA 17.15 -7.08 2024-06-27
SAIL 155.50 -32.91 2024-06-27
HDFCBANK 1663.80 -14.92 2024-06-27
IDFCFIRSTB 83.40 -5.71 2024-06-27
PNB 125.85 -6.17 2024-06-27

Active By Vol% Gainer

Symbol LTP Vol% Gainer Exp Date
SAIL 156.60 51180 2024-07-25
SAIL 157.80 6750 2024-08-29
INDIACEM 233.75 5207.14 2024-07-25
SAIL 155.50 3223.7 2024-06-27
GRANULES 496.25 3166.67 2024-08-29

Active By Vol% Loser

Symbol LTP Vol% Loser Exp Date
GNFC 720.20 -95.7 2024-07-25
BSOFT 681.30 -93.7 2024-07-25
GNFC 714.55 -93.54 2024-06-27
TVSMOTOR 2462.30 -92.37 2024-08-29
HINDCOPPER 334.00 -90.91 2024-08-29

Active By OI Loser

Symbol LTP OI Loser Exp Date
IDEA 17.15 -192280000 2024-06-27
SAIL 155.50 -49180000 2024-06-27
HDFCBANK 1663.80 -23622500 2024-06-27
IDFCFIRSTB 83.40 -17490000 2024-06-27
PNB 125.85 -16592000 2024-06-27

Active By Price(%CHG) Loser

Symbol LTP Price Chg Exp Date
BPCL 307.35 -50.99 2024-06-27
BPCL 309.25 -50.91 2024-07-25
BPCL 311.95 -50.82 2024-08-29
HINDPETRO 340.70 -35 2024-06-27
HINDPETRO 345.40 -34.94 2024-08-29


What is Future?

A future is a contract to buy or sell an underlying stock or other assets at a pre-determined price on a specific date.

What is option?

A Option is contract that gives an opportunity to the investor the right but not the obligation to buy or sell the assets at a specific price on a specific date, known as the expiry date.

What is future index?

Index futures are contracts that allow a trader to purchase or sell a financial index today and sell on later date on or before underlying expiry date. Traders speculate on the price direction of an index, such as the Nifty future, Nifty 50 future, Bank nifty futures, IT index future etc.

What is difference between futures and options?

The prime difference between options and futures is that futures need the contract holder to purchase the underlying assets such as commodities or stocks on a respective date in the near future. Options, on the other hand, offer the contract holder the choice or option of executing the contract.

What is future and option strategy?

There are many futures and option strategies. Nearly 52 strategies are there for options. A straddle is options trading strategies. Here a trader buys both a call option and a put option on the same underlying asset with the same strike price and expiration date. A trader can make money with this strategy when prices move a lot in either direction.

How to trade in future and options?

To invest in futures and options, you would need an F&O Demat and trading account. To invest in futures, the investor pays a margin which is a portion of the total value of contract. Once the margin money is paid, the exchange matches your order with available buyers or sellers in the market.

How to trade futures for beginners?

  1. First find the direction of major index like Nifty, Bank nifty.
  2. Find the best stock or index to go long or short as per direction analysis.
  3. Establish a trading plan. Plan your trades carefully before you establish a position.
  4. Protect your positions.
  5. Go slow. Means start first with 1 lot of any asset.
  6. Learn about technical analysis & then pace your trading.
  7. Think long and short both as per index direction.
  8. Don’t be in hurry. Market is not going anywhere.
  9. Be patient.

Is F&O and intraday same?

No, Intraday trading is when you buy and sell stocks within the same day. F&O trading is when you buy and sell contracts that give you the right to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price on a future date.

Which is better option or future?

The advantages of options over futures are well-documented. You can start option with very little money. The advantages of futures over options include their suitability for trading certain investments, fixed upfront trading costs, lack of time decay, liquidity, and easier pricing model. Generally big player, play in future market and sells options. While retail traders buy options.

Is F&O trading profitable?

In a research report brought out recently, markets regulator Sebi showed that the futures and options (F&O) trading was a loss-making proposition for investors. The report revealed that 89% investors lost money through these activities, and only 11% made profits.

What derivative means?

A derivative is a contract between two parties which derives its value/price from an underlying asset means cash price of asset. The most common types of derivatives are futures, options, forwards and swaps. It is a financial instrument which derives its value/price from the underlying assets. Generally big player use future and options to hedge the portfolio.

Which is safe future or options?

Futures and options trading both carry risks. Options contracts lose their value quickly due to strong theta decay and may result in a total loss if not exercised on time. Individual investors, however, face greater risk when investing in futures.

Why option selling is best?

Selling options can help generate income as premium upfront and hope the option expires worthless. Option sellers benefit as time passes and the option declines in value. In this way, the seller can book an offsetting trade at a lower premium and earns profits.