21-Jun 09:58

Get titagarh share price nse with today’s gainers and today’s losers. Also get, titagarh share price target with titagarh 52 week high & titagarh 52 week low share price. Explore titagarh share price today with market capitalization, technical analysis, intraday screener, fundamental analysis like PE ratio, Earnings, NPM, ROE, EPS, ROCE, EBITDA & debt to equity. Find technical indicators like RSI, Stochastic, MACD, ADX, Moving averages like 5 EMA, 10 EMA, 20 EMA etc. Explore pivot point analysis for daily, weekly & monthly data. Explore titagarh share price nse with live stock chart, news, stock performance, delivery volume & volume breakout stocks.

LTP 1586.3 %Chg 6.1
Change 91.2 Earning 0
Open 1496 52 WH 1596
High 1596 52 WL 457.6
Low 1495.45 Vol 6825020
Pr.Close 1495.1 Mkt cap 213.62
P/E 0 Beta 0
Av. Volume ATP(Aprox. ) 1559.00
Last Vol 1207709.00 Vol % 253.53
5 DMA 3387350 20 DMA 4001476.55
10 DMA 4356320 50 DMA 2692010.34
Rs 1 Month 23.61 Rs 6 Month 46.1
Pivot Point LTP 1586.3
Daily PP 1490.83
S1 1472.16 R1 1514.66
S2 1448.33 R2 1533.33
S3 1429.66 R3 1557.16
Weekly PP 1416.18
S1 1284.37 R1 1612.37
S2 1088.18 R2 1744.18
S3 956.367 R3 1940.37
Monthly PP 1274.23
S1 1120.77 R1 1518.47
S2 876.533 R2 1671.93
S3 723.067 R3 1916.17
Sell Below Buy Above
Intraday 1481.5 Intraday 1502.75
Shot Term 1186.28 Shot Term 1678.28
Long Term 1197.5 Long Term 1396.35
Buy Target Sell Target
Intraday 1526.58 Intraday 1462.83
Shot Term 2170.27 Shot Term 990.092
Long Term 1595.2 Long Term 1044.03
H,L,C High Low Close
L Day 1509.5 1467 1496
L Week 1548 1220 1480.55
L Month 1427.7 1030 1365
L3 Months 1594.25 859 885.9
L6 Months 1594.25 780.9 1044
Movining Av.(SMA)
5 DMA 1481.67 50 DMA 1165.64
10 DMA 1389.71 89 DMA 1063.72
20 DMA 1344.84 100 DMA 1066.28
30 DMA 1282.11 150 DMA 1038.19
34 DMA 1255.45 200 DMA 0
5 DMA 1322.19 30 DMA 1054.8
10 DMA 1173.48 34 DMA 1027.59
20 DMA 1059.16 50 DMA 0
T Chg(%) 6.1 % 3 Months 85.9672 %
1 Week 9.74057 % 6 Months 57.8486 %
1 Month 26.2978% 9 month 106.013%
1 Year 0 % YTD 51.9881 %


What is the share price of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED?

Get TITAGARH share value with Latest News, Volume Breakout, Delivery Volume Percentage, Pivot Levels, Fibonacci Levels, Camarilla levels and Candlestick Patterns. Company shares prices keep fluctuating as per market conditions. There may be many reasons for the rise and fall of the share price of stocks. It may be market conditions, it may be sector & industry reasons and it may be stocks itself like earnings, order, upgrade or downgrade etc. TITAGARH share value today is ₹1586.3 21 Jun, 2024 | 03:32PM

What is the Market cap of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED?

The Market Cap of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is ₹21362 Cr As on 21 Jun, 2024 | 03:32PM. Market capitalization, or market cap, is the total value of a company's shares of stock. It is one measurement of a company's size. A high market cap signifies that the company has a larger presence in the market. Larger companies may have less growth potential compares to start-up firms. Market capitalization refers to how much a company is worth as determined by the stock market. It is defined as the total market value of all outstanding shares. To calculate a company's market cap, multiply the number of outstanding shares by the current market value of one share.


The P/E ratio of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is 0 As on 21 Jun, 2024 | 03:32PM. Price to Earnings Ratio or Price to Earnings Multiple is the ratio of share price of a stock to its earnings per share (EPS). PE ratio is one of the most popular valuation metric of stocks. Typically, the average P/E ratio is around 20 to 25. In general, a high P/E suggests that investors are expecting higher earnings growth in the future compared to companies with a lower P/E. A low P/E can indicate either that a company may currently be undervalued or that the company growth has stagnant due to its matured stage.

What is the 52-week high and 52-week low of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED?

A 52 week high of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is ₹1596 while 52 week low is ₹457.6. A 52 week high, as the name suggests, is the highest price that the security/stock has traded over a 52 week period i.e. a year. Similarly 52 week low is the lowest price that stock has traded over a 52 week period. It is a technical indicator that is used to analyse the security's current price. The 52 week high and 52 week low are also used to predict future movements as well. 52 week is bullish signal and 52 week low is bearish signal.


First support of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is ₹1472.17
Second support of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is ₹1448.33
Third support of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is ₹1429.67
Traders use support to plan entry. Support is the level at which demand is strong enough to stop the stock from falling any further. Support is specific point on chart at which maximum buiying occurs.

What is Resistance price of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED?

First resistance of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is ₹1514.67
Second resistance of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is ₹1533.33
Third resistance of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is ₹1557.17
Traders use resistance to plan exit of trade. Resistance is the level at which selling is strong enough to stop the stock from moving up any further. Resistance is specific point on chart at which maximum selling occurs.

What is TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED share price target 2024?

First target of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is ₹1518.47
Second target of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is ₹1671.93
Third target of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is ₹1916.17

What is TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED share price target 2025?

First target of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is ₹1708.88
Second target of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is ₹2310.38
Third target of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is ₹2627.94

What is TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED share price history?

Date Open High Low Close Volume %Chg
2024-06-20 1482.9 1509.5 1467 1495.1 1207710 0.03
2024-06-19 1506 1521 1425.6 1486.05 2676640 -0.81
2024-06-18 1498 1523.9 1470.1 1496.15 2238310 1.27
2024-06-14 1459.85 1548 1448 1483.05 6613170 2.65
2024-06-13 1431.4 1470 1416 1445.65 4200910 2
2024-06-12 1362 1474 1346 1417.2 7673460 5.5
2024-06-11 1344.8 1377 1311 1350 3631920 0.75
2024-06-10 1228 1356.15 1220 1342.3 8680720 11.21
2024-06-07 1179.4 1215 1155.05 1208.65 2336500 3.27
2024-06-06 1166.15 1220 1150 1167.7 4303880 4.56

Historical share price of stock is needed to find the trend of stock, performance analysis of stock price. History of share price is also used to find the demand and supply by analyzing volume data if available.

What is the ROE (Return on Equity) of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED?

The ROE of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is 14.42% . Return on equity (ROE) is the measure of a company's net income divided by its shareholders' equity. ROE is a gauge of a corporation's profitability and how efficiently it generates those profits. The higher the ROE, the better a company. A return on equity ratio of 15% to 20% is usually considered good. ROE is a gauge of a corporation's profitability and how efficiently it generates those profits.

What is the Earning per Share (EPS) of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED?

The EPS of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is ₹0.00. Earnings per share (EPS) is a company's net profit divided by the number of common shares it has outstanding. EPS indicates how much money a company makes for each share of its stock. There's no fixed answer for what is a good EPS. When comparing companies, it's helpful to look closely at how EPS is trending and how it matches up to competitor earnings. Remember that a higher EPS can suggest growth and stock price increases.


The ROCE of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is 39.71%. Return on capital employed is a financial ratio that measures a company's profitability in terms of all of its capital. ROCE is similar to return on invested capital. It's always a good idea to compare the ROCE of companies in the same industry. The higher the ROCE, the better it is. The ratio calculated as 20% is considered good, indicating the company is more profitable and has a stable financial position in the market.

What is the NPM (Net profit margin) of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED?

The NPM of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is 7.35%. Net Profit Margin is a financial ratio used to calculate the percentage of profit a company produces from its total revenue. Net profit margin helps investors assess if a company's management is generating enough profit from its sales and whether operating costs and overhead costs are under control.


The EBITDA of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is 12.51%. EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. It is the alternate method of measuring profitability in net income. EBITDA is useful when comparing companies with different capital investment, debt, and tax profiles.This key profitability measure is one of the main measures of a company's financial health and ability to generate cash. It is one of the most widely used measures of a company's financial health and ability to generate cash.

What is Debt to Equity ratio (D/E Ratio) of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED?

The debt to equity ratio of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED is 36.66. The debt-to-equity ratio (D/E ratio) shows how much debt a company has compared to its assets. It is found by dividing a company's total debt by total shareholder equity. Generally, a good debt to equity ratio is around 1 to 1.5. However, the ideal debt to equity ratio will vary depending on the industry, as some industries use more debt financing than others. A higher D/E ratio means the company may have a harder time covering its liabilities. It will be very hard if the economic scenario worsens.


%Chg: 6.1
Chg: 91.2
Volume: 6825020
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What is TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED share price target?

TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED share price target today:

First target of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED share is ₹1545.58.

Second target of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED share is ₹1549.13.

Third target of TITAGARH RAIL SYSTEMS LIMITED share is ₹1559.75.